Dutycalc Data Systems was founded in 1988 as a software and consulting company that designs, develops and implements management support systems for the import, export and brokerage communities. Our primary area of focus is Duty Drawback and the implementation of our fully automated Drawback System.
Import Export Tips Drawback
Duty Drawback Software | Import Export Consulting | Processing Filing | Full Service
Looking for a refund on duty paid on some of the imported goods? Exporting or returning goods? You may be able to take full advantage of the Customs and Border Patrol mechanism called “Drawback” which is a way to have some of the duty you’ve already paid returned to you.
The drawback process can be a bit complicated and requires an attention to detail that may be tough on most businesses. Duty Calc is here for the exact purpose. We work with clients to streamline the drawback process, ensure that all the paperwork and details are in line, so that our clients can receive refunds on duties paid on products that are being returned, exported, or destroyed.
There are lots of ways to learn more about drawback–visiting the CBP website for instance, but nothing compares to having an experienced team of experts helping you with the refund process. Also, there are three types of drawback: Manufacturing, unused merchandise, and rejected merchandise – each with their own list of rules and specifications on how to determine and report your refund.
Drawback services like those at Duty Calc can help you through all of these drawback circumstances and its those sorts of expert import/expert tips that will help you increase your bottom line and not lose money during the process. For more information we encourage you to visit our website or talk to a team member to learn more about how we can help your business.
Import Export Tips Drawback
Duty Drawback | DutyCalc | Software | Process and File | Full Service