Dutycalc Data Systems was founded in 1988 as a software and consulting company that designs, develops and implements management support systems for the import, export and brokerage communities. Our primary area of focus is Duty Drawback and the implementation of our fully automated Drawback System.
Why We Need To Import & Export
Duty Drawback Software | Import Export Consulting | Processing Filing | Full Service
The United States is an economic beast. We are home to some of the largest and most successful businesses on Earth. A big reason for that is because we are able to work internationally by importing and exporting goods and services. Cut that ability out and our economy changes. So, what exactly are the benefits? That is what we will talk about today.
We need to import from other countries for many reasons. To begin, we need to import to introduce new products to the market. A healthy market is one with different options for consumers to choose from. New products are what keeps businesses afloat and competitive. Secondly, we need to import to reduce costs. Many businesses find that importing products and resources are way more affordable than producing them here in the states. Instead of investing in modern, expensive machinery, businesses opt to import to reduce those costs. Lastly, although we are an economic beast that does not mean we are the best at everything! Some of the highest quality products are from other countries. Many factories and other highly professional sellers reside abroad and have an upper hand on quality of products compared to their competition here in the United States.
It is also important for our businesses to export to other counties as well. Just as there is a variety of benefits of importing goods and services, there are numerous reasons for exporting. The first reason being that exporting tends to increase sales potential. If businesses want to grow their business they can look internationally or even globally. Exporting is especially good for medium and large businesses – the ones that have already expanded within the local market. Additionally, exporting increases profits. Foreign orders are usually larger than those placed by local buyers. Here in the states local customers buy a few products or a pallet at a time while businesses abroad oftentimes order containers or larger loads at a time. And a product made here that has never been seen in international markets, profits increase rapidly in no time.
So, do we need to import and export to keep our economy up and running? The answer is absolutely! Businesses depend on their ability to import and export as they come with countless benefits.
For more information on importing and exporting please reach out to us here at Duty Calc.