Hiring Foreign Employees
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If your company does business internationally it is important to know what it takes to hire foreign employees. Different countries have different laws and if you do not understand how to hire properly, you could be really holding back your company. Immigration here in the United States is a complex process. This compounded by national discourse can make the process even harder. Today we are going to detail a few steps to take when hiring a global workforce.
The first thing you should do is start early. Understand that there is a lot of red tape involved. Hiring an employee in the United States can be done in a week but hiring a foreign employee can take months or even years depending on which business immigration programs are utilized. Strategize accordingly with realistic hiring timelines.
Part of an early start also means making the necessary preparations within your company. For example, you need to know what roles within your company you want to fill with foreign employees. Once you have identified these roles you need to make plans for recruitment and retention. Create a plan, train your HR department to help your business and employees stay in compliance, and go get that talent through proper internal preparation. Do not hire foreign employees and play it by ear. This will cost your company valuable time, money, and resources.
Lastly, understand your hiring options. There are different visa programs out there and you need to know which one is appropriate for the foreign employees you are interested in. For example, if you plan on your new foreign employee to eventually become a permanent resident, an employer-sponsored green card can be the most effective and predictable way to hire. In turn, if you want to open a new business or a branch of a foreign company then you should utilize the L visa, the E visa, or a strategic combination of the two.
It is important to know all of the ins and outs of hiring foreign employees but starting early, preparing the right way, and understanding all of your hiring options is a great start. If you start internally the process will be much smoother.