
Understanding  Risks

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Understanding  Risks

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Entering the global marketplace is a challenge that requires education, experience, and a driven mindset. Along with these qualities you must understand that this industry comes with risks that could lead to significant repercussions. Before entering the international marketplace, understand these risks and how to avoid them. 

One risk that import and export businesses face is unpredictable shipping logistics. When its all said and done, your business success is dependent on whether you can ship goods safely and efficiently. You need to make sure that your product gets from point A to point B on time. You need to account for everything that could possibly go wrong from an employee calling in sick to damage to the cargo. The best way to mitigate this risk is to stay organized, be prepared, and partner with a reliable freight forwarder that will help you ship your goods without a hitch. 

Another risk that import and export businesses face is not knowing enough about the current market. For example, did you know that exports contracted 6% last month which narrowed the trade deficit to $13.45 billion? Did you know that this was the second time that exports contracted in the current fiscal year? If not, you need to do more research on the current market. With the trade war causing changes to the global marketplace daily, it is important to consider those changes before you decide to enter the industry. 

The last risk that import and export businesses face is running into problems at the border. Customs is one of the biggest, if not the biggest, hurdle that importers and exporters have to face. Customs rules are not uniform throughout the world. To avoid significant slowdowns at international customs, again, do your research or hire experts in customs law and trade compliance to help you navigate this area of the business. 

Bottom line is that the import and export business is one with opportunity but is also one that comes with risks. To find success in this industry understand all of the risks, stay organized, prepare for the worst, and know how to handle logistics. If you have all of these qualities, you will be that much closer to finding success in the import and export industry.  

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Starting Your Import Export Business

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Starting your own business is hard. Starting your own import/export business is even harder. There is much more to understand and things can go really bad really fast if you are not careful. That being said, if you have the experience, education, grit, and drive to take on this industry you can be successful. If you are looking to get into the import/export industry by starting your own business here are a few pointers that we recommend you follow. 

You need a strong online presence. Without an online presence you will not be able to have a networked import/export business. The goal of this is to balance the flow of communications, sell products online, and most importantly build your customer base to drive profits for your international business. Having a professional blog on your website will allow you to have a continuous flow of engaging communications with your clients, something that most customers want in brand new companies. 

Along with an online presence you need to find out what you want to sell. This includes understanding which markets are good to enter. We recommend that you find a product or industry that you are passionate about and that you think could sell in international markets. Looking for which markets to enter is where your trend-spotting skills come in to play. In general, the best products are ones that are just starting to become popular or show some promise to being so in the future. Do your research and think before you begin because finding the right product and the right market is probably the biggest decision you will make. 

When you have your online presence and product/industry decided, focus on your logistics. Logistics is the most complex aspect of importing and exporting. Think about it, you have to take a product created somewhere and sell it somewhere else. For example, how do the grapes from the vineyard in South Africa make it to the wine glasses of drinkers in California? Every successful business has a strong logistics team, plan, and strategy that makes the flow very easy for all employees. When you get your logistics down to a science, you will be ready to hit the ground running. 

Building a strong online presence, figuring out what to sell and where, and getting logistics down is all very important in this industry. However, these are only three of the many aspects that make a successful import/export business. Bottom line is that this industry is a complex system that requires nothing but hard work and determination. 

For more recommendations or for more general information on the import/export industry give us a call or browse our website. 

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Import Export Drawback.NET Technology

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So much of today’s business success comes from the implementation and usage of compelling technology. Technology can have many benefits across all industries, especially the import/export industry. Today we’ll talk about how technology, specifically the Drawback.NET software, can help your business. 

As mentioned before in previous articles, Drawback.NET is a hands on tool that allows business owners in the import/export industry to file drawback themselves. This resource has proven to help business owners successfully file for years. Why? Because it’s easy, accurate, efficient. 

Drawback.NET is user friendly and intuitive. It’s not a complex software system that requires an IT or tech specialist. This resource was designed so anyone in the industry can use it and understand it with ease. The software does the majority of the hard work. Simply read the instructions and follow them correctly. If there are any questions or concerns while using the system, simply call our service center and we’ll be happy to help. Filing for drawback can be a long and tedious task, but with a system like Drawback.NET filing will become much easier. 

Drawback.NET is also beneficial for businesses in the import/export industry because it files accurately. This resource is compliant with all Customs Regulations like tariffs and Schedule B’s. The import/export industry is one that seems to have changing rules/regulations quite frequently. Because of this the DutyCalc staff is always making updates to the software so it’s compliant with all recent filing requirements. Drawback.NET is the most accurate filing software and one that you can always trust. 

Lastly, Drawback.NET is a resourceful tool because it’s efficient for business owners. Doing paperwork by hand, staying up to date on the new tariff regulations, and making phone calls throughout the day just to file one claim is a waste of time. Businesses often times don’t have the time to file and this eventually leads to lost money. This is why Drawback.NET is so useful; because it makes the end to end filing process more efficient. No more paperwork and tedious written work. All of it can now be done thanks to technology through Drawback.NET. 

DutyCalc’s Drawback.NET is easy, accurate, and efficient. For any business owner in the industry that is music to their ears. Save time and help your business successfully file for drawback by using Drawback.NET. Give us a call or stay updated on our blog for more information.  

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Partner with DutyCalc

Duty Drawback Software | Import Export Consulting | Processing Filing | Full Service


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When it comes to dealing with money, it is important to work with reliable and trustworthy partners. Whether you’re running a small business or a Fortune 500 company, you don’t want to run the risk of losing money because of a bad partnership. Good financial partnerships are critical especially for companies in the import/export industry because of all the details regarding drawback. If you and your business are in the import/export industry and in need of a dependable partner to help with drawback, look no further than DutyCalc. Here are 3 of the most important factors that make DutyCalc the best partners for importers and exporters.

DutyCalc has experience. Collectively, the DutyCalc team has over 4 decades of experience in duty drawback. Part of DutyCalc’s experience in duty drawback has come from partnerships with some of the biggest companies you can think of. Companies like FedEx, Fender, and TaylorMade are all current or previous clients of DutyCalc. We understand how to manage duty drawback for large companies, and we understand all of the necessary steps in the process based on our experience. Put your trust in us as we have the knowledge of how to be successful.

DutyCalc has a proven track record. Whether it was the full service drawback or the software system, Drawback.NET, we have helped clients from around the country claim drawback without fail. We help clients claim up to 99% of duty drawback! DutyCalc systems are efficient and cut down processing times significantly. Our process works and will be worth the investment. Refer to our Testimonials to see our successful track record with our clients.

Last but not least, partner with DutyCalc because we always put customers first. Providing the best customer service is our number one goal so, as a client, understand that your needs come first. If you don’t understand part of the drawback process, we’ll walk you through every step. If you’re running into technical problems with Drawback.NET, call our support team and they won’t hang up until your problem is fixed. Happy customers are what drives our business, so making them happy is our number one priority. By partnering with DutyCalc, you and your needs will always come first.

For those in the import/export industry, partner with DutyCalc as we are partners that you can rely on and trust. We have experience with some of the largest companies on Earth, we have a proven track record, and you will always get great customer service. For more information on what DutyCalc has to offer, give us a call! We look forward to working with you.

Drawback NET


Drawback NET

Duty Drawback Software | Import Export Consulting | Processing Filing | Full Service


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Drawback.NET If you run your own company, from the beginning, one of your goals was probably to mitigate as many costs as possible. Any successful company will have low costs and high profits, right? If you are in the import/export industry, one way to accomplish this objective, one that is often overlooked, is through duty drawback. Duty drawback provides a way to offset duties that are paid with refunds. To keep it simple, drawback is a refund of Customs duties that is paid on imported materials that are either exported or used in the manufacture of exported articles, according to American Shipper. With appropriate documentation, guidance, and filing system, you can claim up to 99% of duties paid. This is where DutyCalc comes into play.

DutyCalc has been helping companies across the country mitigate costs by helping them properly file for drawback on all of their duties. DutyCalc’s most popular product is their drawback software, called Drawback.NET. This software allows businesses to file drawback for their company by themselves. The software is user friendly and current customers have given nothing but positive feedback. DutyCalc’s goal with this software is to allow customers to have full knowledge and control of filing their duties without having to pay for a full service drawback solution. By purchasing this software, you will also be signing up for a partnership with DutyCalc. This meaning that although Drawback.NET is a self-operating software, the DutyCalc team will always be available to answer any questions or help you navigate through the software at any point in time.

Due to the recent changes in the trade war, DutyCalc has been an essential tool in the import/export industry. Filing for drawback has skyrocketed and Drawback.NET has seen great success. DutyCalc is here for you and your company to ensure that your money is claimed in full. Don’t wait any longer as our software will only benefit your company.

For more information visit our website or give us a call. Work with us to get your money back!

Software Service Drawback

service software duty drawback

Software Service

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The Section 301 trade war has been a long and unpredictable process. Some new tariffs are already being enforced while some are still to come depending on what the U.S. and China agree upon. Though there has not been a final agreement between the two countries, do not wait to file for the available drawback on Section 301 duties. Dutycalc has been a valuable resource to clients as their services have helped claim 99% of Section 301 duties from China thus far.

The three services Dutycalc offers are a full service drawback, a process & file only service, and the software service. Out of these three services, Dutycalc has seen that the software service has been one of the greatest successes. The software service, Drawback.NET, allows clients to easily generate claims on their own. The software allows for hands on filing and complete operational control on a personal/company PC. If you do not need or want help filing, the software system is your best option. It is user friendly and has been used throughout the country by various Fortune 500 companies. This software system has seen nothing but success as not a single Dutycalc client has failed a Customs audit.

The software service is great for anyone filing for drawback on their own but what makes the Dutycalc brand even more valuable to our clients is the partnership. The software system is designed to allow you, our clients, to do everything drawback related on your own. However, if a question arises with the system or if there is a question regarding updated news on the Section 301 trade war, our representatives are only one phone call or email away. Our staff at Dutycalc understands that questions and problems will arise during the ongoing battle between the U.S and China. Because of this, every client who ever purchased any one of our services is promised access to expert knowledge from the Dutycalc staff. Simply reach out and we will gladly assist you.

Work with Dutycalc if you are looking for great services and an even better partnership. Give us a call or visit our website for more information.

Stalled Agreement

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Stalled Agreement

Duty Drawback Software | Import Export Consulting | Processing Filing | Full Service


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Where the U.S. and China stand in the trade war is currently unknown. There were Washington
insiders claiming that a trade war deal was around the corner, all to find out that the deadline has
been pushed back. Last month Chinese officials proposed a push back of 90 days on increased
tariffs on Chinese imports. Though China is showing tremendous respect and actively trying to
come to an agreement with the U.S., a 60 day push back is all the U.S. granted. The two
presidents were scheduled to hold a meeting before the initial March deadline in Florida, both
parties hoping to strike a deal. This meeting never happened. Though we do not currently know
where both countries are in the process of coming to an agreement, we can be certain of one
thing: both countries still do no see eye to eye.
The topic that is stalling this agreement is the tech industry. China wants the U.S. to be more
flexible with products in tech industries like telecommunications systems. The U.S. wants China
to enforce stricter policies on intellectual property. The so-called tariff war is now shifting it’s
focus and becoming specifically a tech war. According to Michael Pillsbury, the American
Director of the Center on Chinese Strategy at the Hudson Institute, “Chinese demands have yet
to be addressed. They want to break into the U.S. e-commerce payments system, and have it
blessed by the U.S. side. And the U.S wants the Chinese to promise not to retaliate if there are
new tariffs. I cannot imagine China agreeing to this.” Because the U.S. and China still do not see
eye to eye, this is stalling the two countries to coming to a deal.
A deal was close to being agreed upon just a month ago, but now neither side seems to think an
impasse on disagreements is likely. More updates on the trade war will be posted here next

Stalled Agreement
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Section 301 Developing News

Section 301 Developing News

Section 301 Developing News

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Last month we left off with an understanding of where the United States and China currently stand in the Section 301 trade war. At the beginning of the year the United States initially planned to increase rates on list three items to 25%. However, the United States granted a 90 day period in which the rates on list three items would remain at 10%, allowing more time for an agreement to be made between both countries before raising the rates. The two countries are still trying to come to an agreement. Below are some updates on the trade war.

On Monday February 11, “the Dow Jones Industrial Average closed 53.22 points lower at 25,053.11, giving up an earlier gain of 90 points. The S&P 500 ended the day up less than 0.1 percent at 2,709.80 as gains in the industrials sector were capped by losses in health care and communications services. The Nasdaq Composite closed 0.1 percent higher at 7,307.90” according to CNBC. The United States is halted at a waiting point and not much fluctuation will occur as people are just waiting out to see the likelihood of a trade deal.

There is speculation that the two Presidents will meet in Florida within the next month or so. This week the United States and China will continue to try and strike a deal by focusing specifically on intellectual property. United States Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer wishes to operate in an environment where technology, innovation, and know-how are all protected.

Analysts expect a deal as early as the end of this month. China needs a deal badly to calm the United States’ President from imposing another round of tariffs on imports from China. It has been reported that last month, the Chinese economy grew at it’s slowest pace in 28 years.

A deal is on the horizon and drastic changes are in the near future. Stay updated on Section 301 news here on the DutyCalc blog.

Section 301 Developing News
Duty Drawback Software | Import Export Consulting | Processing Filing | Full Service