Dutycalc Data Systems was founded in 1988 as a software and consulting company that designs, develops and implements management support systems for the import, export and brokerage communities. Our primary area of focus is Duty Drawback and the implementation of our fully automated Drawback System.
Friday, 31 December 2021
Published in Drawback, drawback service, drawback software, export tax, import tax
Importing Wholesale Products
Duty Drawback Software | Import Export Consulting | Processing Filing | Full Service
China provides more than 20% of total U.S. imports year after year making them the largest U.S trading partner. Although there have been shaky relations between the two countries the trend shows little deviation over time. There is no sign that business will slow down and because of that, new wholesale importers should think about a few things before they do business with China.
First, you need to think about whether or not the products you are importing are marketable here in the U.S. For example, what makes the product you are importing from China unique? What are the product’s benefits and economical properties? Does the product you are importing from China have sustainability? Try to stay away from things like electronics, baby items, digestible items, things that are complex, inherently dangerous, and products with a patent or trademark.
Secondly, you need to think about profitability. Make sure you run your financials and strategize before making any payments to China. What is your landed cost per unit? What does your import from China sell for in the U.S.? What is your profit margin and return on investment? If you do not think about these things and “know your numbers” your business will fail. Prepare before you purchase.
Lastly, ask yourself if the products you are importing will be able to sell. Know your target market demographics. Know where your imports will sell best. Know why your imports will be successful. Make sure your imports from China are competitive. If you have any hesitation with any of these things you need to re-evaluate what you are importing.
Importing wholesale products from China is a smart way to make good money if you do it right. It is easy to overlook the small things and doing so can really hurt a business. Take these things into consideration and really think about all the financial details before giving yourself the green light.
Biden Administration & China
Duty Drawback Software | Import Export Consulting | Processing Filing | Full Service
With the Biden administration taking over the White House this election it is apparent that many things will be changing. One thing, however, that is not projected to change that much is the trade tension between the U.S. and China. Earlier this year Biden wrote, “The United States does need to get tough with China” in a “Foreign Affairs” article. He went on to say, “If China has its way, it will keep robbing the United States and American companies of their technology and intellectual property. It will also keep using subsidies to give its state-owned enterprises an unfair advantage – and a leg up on dominating the technologies and industries of the future.” With that said China is hopeful that because there is new blood in the White House, this new Biden administration will welcome new negotiations. China’s Vice Foreign Minister Le Yucheng believes that the Biden administration would “meet China halfway” according to state media. Xu Hongcai, deputy director of the Economics Policy Commission at the China Association of Policy Science believes that “Biden is reasonable” and “Biden, Obama, they understand the basics of holding a dialogue.” In Biden’s acceptance speech the ongoing trade war with China was absent. Since Biden’s acceptance speech he has still yet to bring up the issue. How Biden will actually handle the intense trade war that the Trump administration has left him, is still an unknown. What we do know is that Biden will have to prove that he can work more effectively with U.S. allies in order to win the heart and soul of the nation that is now in his hands. More news and updates will be coming up quickly as the White House transition continues. For information on the ongoing trade war between the U.S. and China, please stay updated here on our monthly blog or reach out to us here at DutyCalc.
Monday, 20 July 2020
Published in Drawback, drawback service, drawback software, export tax, import tax, Section 301
Foreign Goods Safe? Risky?
Duty Drawback Software | Import Export Consulting | Processing Filing | Full Service
The coronavirus has caused a lot of uncertainty this year across the globe. What is safe? Who is safe? What can we do? What can’t we do? So many questions. So little answers. Because of the uncertainty, consumers are questioning their every move including where they choose to buy from and which goods they choose to buy. CNBC reported that in April the market research firm, Kantar, surveyed 45,000 people across 17 counties. In the study, they found that a third of global consumers are now worried that products imported from outside countries is a safety risk. Countries perceived China and the U.S. as high risk with 47% of them saying that they were far less in favor of buying American and Chinese products. An executive from Kanter also said that people were beginning to favor locally-produced goods even though the price point was higher.
The question is, is there really a risk in foreign goods? According to the CDC and the British government, the risk is low. The CDC says that the virus can survive for a short period of time on some surfaces but is mostly spread via respiratory droplets. It is unlikely that consumers contract the virus from international mail, products, or packaging. Similarly, the British government says that the risk of contraction from imported food and packaging from affected countries is low. They justify their position by arguing that their laws require all exporters to follow the proper controls during the packing and shipping process to ensure good hygiene is met. So, if you are concerned about the safety of foreign goods the CDC and the British government claim that you are safe. The best way to avoid the virus is to wear a mask, limit your time around others, and stay 6 feet away from everybody. For more information on the import and export business, stay updated here on our monthly blog.
Import and Export Company Guide
Duty Drawback Software | Import Export Consulting | Processing Filing | Full Service
Venable LLP is a law firm headquartered in our nation’s capital and one that ranked 64th in the 2017 AmLaw 100 survey. They recently hosted a webinar geared towards assisting companies that are involved in international trade and how they can navigate around the global coronavirus pandemic. Today we will be going over a few important topics that they discussed to help importers and exporters during this economic slowdown. Venable attorneys suggested looking back at how the import and export industry handled both the Great Recession and 9/11. Understanding how companies dealt with both economic slowdowns can provide valuable insight in terms of responding to the COVID-19 recession. Look to our country’s history to help us get through struggles that we face today. Venable attorneys also suggested monitoring for any regulatory changes that may ease certain restrictions on import clearance, or provide relief by means of tariff payment deferrals, and consider whether the stimulus package may benefit business operations, among other changes, according to Lexology. Venable attorneys collectively advise import and export companies to reach out to local, state, and/or national government contacts and stakeholders in order to stay up to date and be open to any developing opportunities. For example, there have been various changes made to the CARES Act, specifically targeted towards small businesses, financial services, air carriers, and related workers. With these changes come opportunities for subcontracting to support the government in providing services to help contain the epidemic. Although the coronavirus pandemic has caused an economic slowdown there are still ways that importers and exporters can capitalize on opportunities. Look at our history, monitor for changes, and take advantage of every new opportunity that will come your way. For more information on the import and export industry, stay updated here on our monthly blog.
Sunday, 21 April 2019
Published in Drawback, drawback service, drawback software, export tax, import tax, Section 301
Software Service
Duty Drawback Software | Import Export Consulting | Processing Filing | Full Service
The Section 301 trade war has been a long and unpredictable process. Some new tariffs are already being enforced while some are still to come depending on what the U.S. and China agree upon. Though there has not been a final agreement between the two countries, do not wait to file for the available drawback on Section 301 duties. Dutycalc has been a valuable resource to clients as their services have helped claim 99% of Section 301 duties from China thus far.
The three services Dutycalc offers are a full service drawback, a process & file only service, and the software service. Out of these three services, Dutycalc has seen that the software service has been one of the greatest successes. The software service, Drawback.NET, allows clients to easily generate claims on their own. The software allows for hands on filing and complete operational control on a personal/company PC. If you do not need or want help filing, the software system is your best option. It is user friendly and has been used throughout the country by various Fortune 500 companies. This software system has seen nothing but success as not a single Dutycalc client has failed a Customs audit.
The software service is great for anyone filing for drawback on their own but what makes the Dutycalc brand even more valuable to our clients is the partnership. The software system is designed to allow you, our clients, to do everything drawback related on your own. However, if a question arises with the system or if there is a question regarding updated news on the Section 301 trade war, our representatives are only one phone call or email away. Our staff at Dutycalc understands that questions and problems will arise during the ongoing battle between the U.S and China. Because of this, every client who ever purchased any one of our services is promised access to expert knowledge from the Dutycalc staff. Simply reach out and we will gladly assist you.
Work with Dutycalc if you are looking for great services and an even better partnership. Give us a call or visit our website for more information.
Wednesday, 23 January 2019
Published in Drawback, drawback service, drawback software, export tax, import tax, Section 301
Update Section 301
Duty Drawback Software | Import Export Consulting | Processing Filing | Full Service
The trade war between the U.S. and China continues to impact economies on both sides. Tariffs have caused the U.S. stock market to plummet as the changes have led to a disruption in supply chain for major companies like Amazon, Facebook, and Apple. In China, analysts have reported that economic growth has slowed to its lowest in ten years. Sure, investors and shareowners are worried, but the two countries are making progress towards repairing the trade relationship.
It has been confirmed that on December 1, 2018 the U.S. and China reached an agreement to delay an increase on list three products. The increase of 10% to 25% on U.S. products was originally set to begin on January 1st. However, according to the White House, there will be a 90-day extension. If no agreement is made within those 90 days, rates will then rise to 25%.
In addition, China has agreed to, “purchase a not yet agreed upon, but very substantial amount of agricultural, energy, industrial and other product from the United States to reduce the trade imbalance” (Crowell Moring). This agreement from China may be a policy change or may be left up to private sector entities. The commitment has not yet been confirmed.
Lastly, during the December 1st meeting China also agreed to reduce the tariffs on U.S. automobile exports down from 40%.
There is still a significant gap between what the U.S. is seeking and what China is willing to offer, but these minor changes and progressions seem to hint at a solution. What happens within the next 90 days will give us an idea of what might happen in the near future.
For more information on the Section 301 tariffs and updates on the U.S. – China trade war, check back in to the DutyCalc blog.
Update Section 301
Duty Drawback Software | Import Export Consulting | Processing Filing | Full Service
Monday, 26 November 2018
Published in Drawback, drawback service, drawback software, export tax, import tax, Section 301
Section 301 status
Duty Drawback Software | Import Export Consulting | Processing Filing | Full Service
Section 301 status
Duty Drawback Software | Import Export Consulting | Processing Filing | Full Service
The new Section 301 tariffs have caused drastic changes within the industry. Importers and exporters are scrambling to obtain the newest information as there are thousands of product listings that are affected by Trump’s trade changes. Below is an update on the current status of Lists 1-3.
List 1, which contains $34 billion worth of imports, has been effective since July 7, 2018. List 1 originally had over 1,000 tariff lines but ended up being condensed down to 818 items.
List 2, which contains $16 billion worth of imports, has been effective since August 23, 2018. List 2 originally had over 284 tariff lines but ended up being condensed down to 279 items.
List 3, which contains about $200 billion worth of imports, has been effective since September 24, 2018. List 3 originally had over 6,000 tariff lines but ended up being condensed down to 5,745 items.
Though these lists of tariffs have been implemented, The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, has provided an opportunity for the public to request for product exclusion. Giving companies the opportunity to address situations that allow exclusion of a specific product within a subheading but not the tariff subheading as a whole. Because of such a high volume of requests, the USTR is still currently in the process of posting final exclusions.
To take full advantage of duty drawback on the Section 301 duties, check out our full service and software drawback options. Duty Calc has already helped our customers claim thousands of dollars due to these new changes. With the right help, you can easily claim all duties that are available to you.
New changes are still to come in the near future which will continue to impact this industry. Duty Calc will keep all of our customers up to date to the best of our ability. Continue to check back in to the Duty Calc blog for updated information on Section 301 and new tariff information.
Section 301 News
Duty Drawback Software | Import Export Consulting | Processing Filing | Full Service
The recent activity regarding Section 301 tariffs have caused major changes for the import and export industry. List 1 and List 2 have been in effect since July, but the final list has officially been released and has been effective since September 24th of this year. List 3 includes a variety of imports from China which include products like chemicals, textiles, metal, and electronics. Tariffs for List 3 were set at an ad valorem rate of 10 percent but will increase to 25 percent at the beginning of the new year. List 3 targets about $200 billion worth of Chinese imports and unlike List 1 and List 2, there is no indication that there will be any kind of exclusion process for products in the final list.
Though List 3 was released less than a month ago, the administration threatened China with a potential List 4. This threat by the U.S. was publicly stated saying that if China retaliates against farmers or any other industries, they will begin to launch a process that aims to increase tariffs on an additional $267 billion worth of goods.
Because of these drastic changes in the industry, claiming duty is much more compelling. That being said claiming drawback is no simple process. Duty Calc is your number one resource for claiming up to 99% of the duty paid upon import. Through Duty Calc you have a full-service drawback option or, like many of our customers, you can do it yourself by using our easy to use drawback software. Our customer service team is always here to help so feel free to contact us with any questions. Our contact information can be found on the home page. Get a head start in claiming all the drawback available to you through our services. Act before it is too late.
Section 301 News
Duty Drawback Software | Import Export Consulting | Processing Filing | Full Service
Wednesday, 18 July 2018
Published in Drawback, drawback service, drawback software, export tax, import tax
International Business
Duty Drawback Software | Import Export Consulting | Processing Filing | Full Service
When it comes to doing international business, it’s all about the money. For almost any company around the globe, the engine that keeps businesses going is money. With so many accounts to keep track of it can be hard to pin point where exactly you’re making, saving, and losing money. From small businesses to corporate offices it helps to have extra support when it comes to keeping track of the complicated finances. This is where Duty Calc can come into play and help your business.
Duty Calc is a family owned business that offers a variety of services that help importers and exporters manage, file, and claim their duty drawback. Our services and their specific descriptions can be found on our website. We have worked with hundreds of companies and have assisted in making sure they get back the money they qualify for.
Our services have proven their success and our business is truly thriving. But what else does Duty Calc offer besides duty drawback services? One of the most important parts of filing for accurate drawback claims is understanding all aspects of what you’re dealing with. Each product, service, country, and exchange have different rules associated with them. Duty Calc offers consulting on all of the content-heavy laws, rules, regulations, and conditions that make it difficult for businesses to understand what’s going on. Our team will walk your business through the entire import and export drawback process from the start. We don’t consider businesses who use Duty Calc as customers, we view them as partners. As a partner, Duty Calc can help comprehend and interpret everything there is to know about duty drawback.
We can help your business as much or as little as you want. At the end of the day we are only here to help because we know how valuable every dollar is to a business. Partner with Duty Calc for great drawback services and outstanding consulting that will help propel your business.
For more information visit our website and blog page.
International Business
Duty Drawback | DutyCalc | Software | Process and File | Full Service
Wednesday, 13 June 2018
Published in Drawback, drawback service, drawback software, export tax, import tax
International Business Import Export
Duty Drawback Software | Import Export Consulting | Processing Filing | Full Service
Every business in every industry have the same goal – to provide a compelling product or service and to do so, cost efficiently. If businesses don’t have money to operate, they won’t survive. We understand that money is a huge asset that keeps every business up and running. If you are in the import, export, or brokerage industry Duty Calc is a useful resource that will help your business receive money by assisting in filing for drawback.
Our drawback management system, Drawback.NET, provides our clients a convenient way to file accurate drawback claims. Our software system is used throughout the United States and used by some of the biggest names in the businesses. FedEx, Fender, and ConAir are some of our clients who use the Duty Calc service. With our drawback software, you can insure that accurate claims are filed correctly and that your business is maximizing your potential drawback refund. One of the many great benefits you get by using Drawback.NET is that it is a user-friendly system that allows you to work at your own pace and fully understand how accurate claims are filed.
Yes, this is a do-it-yourself program but if you run into any problems our customer service team will be available for any assistance. Our team is knowledgeable in computer applications along with U.S Customs regulations so know that you are receiving help from engaging and skillful individuals. Our team at Duty Calc have worked hard for our clients. We care about our customers and put them in the best position possible. Not one of our clients have failed a Customs audit.
One of our current customers described our software as, “Head and shoulders above any others.” Another stated that our team has helped their business, “Tremendously increase its efficiency in drawback claims.” We want nothing but the best for our clients. We strive to put money back in their pockets, so they can operate cost efficiently.
If you and your business are looking for a fast and accurate way to file drawback claims, Duty Calc’s Drawback.NET is the program for you. Visit our website for more information.
International Business Import Export
Duty Drawback | DutyCalc | Software | Process and File | Full Service